The Man Jesus

The House of Prayer East Lansing has been a highly influential place for me. It has been a significant safe place, throughout my time in East Lansing. The body at the House of Prayer first introduced me to relationship and conversation with Jesus in 2011.

By 2019, the House of Prayer East Lansing continues to carry the same invitation for me. My family there continues to encourage me in relationship. When I have questions and need discipleship, I am always brought closer to the man Jesus. When I don’t know what to do, they sit down with me and we pray together. We ask Jesus together.

The most significant testimony that I have in being a part of the House of Prayer East Lansing, is meeting the man Jesus. I have been encouraged to not rely on man’s wisdom alone, but on the infallible word of God. I have been taught to ask more questions and decide for myself what I think. I was saved from the habits of taking other’s opinions for absolute truth and taught how to ask questions and think for myself. I was taught how to read the word and grow deeper in interpreting it, through the power of the Holy Spirit. I was given hope that there is endless depth in knowing Jesus.

He always invites us to go deeper. With friendships this safe and people this real; a family has formed within my time at the House of Prayer. I am able to say these people are family to me.

- Emily